Singing bowls and sets HEALINGBOWL® by Dr. Surikov
Tibetan singing bowls made in Nepal wholesale and retail in Kathmandu. Worldwide delivery.

+977 981-3244998


Singing bowls and sets HEALINGBOWL®
by Dr. Surikov

Tibetan singing bowls made in Nepal wholesale and retail in Kathmandu. Worldwide delivery.

+977 981-3244998
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Home - Premium and Professional Singing Bowls - Singing Bowl Healingbowl® Professional Golden Pearl GP-120

Singing Bowl Healingbowl® Professional Golden Pearl GP-120



HEALINGBOWL® Professional Golden Pearl. Designed with an emphasis on outstanding vibration properties. The powerful, rare and unique vibration that distinguishes these singing bowls from the rest in the professional line of Healingbowl® makes them an ideal tool for use in the SPA sphere.

The perfect surface treatment provides the specialist with very easy vibration control and sliding on the surface. Golden Pearl gives the opportunity to work in all contact techniques, including "vibropuncture", "singing bowl massage" and water structuring.

HEALINGBOWL® Professional Golden Pearl. Designed with an emphasis on outstanding vibration properties. The powerful, rare and unique vibration that distinguishes these singing bowls from the rest in the professional line of Healingbowl® makes them an ideal tool for use in the SPA sphere.

The perfect surface treatment provides the specialist with very easy vibration control and sliding on the surface. Golden Pearl gives the opportunity to work in all contact techniques, including "vibropuncture", "singing bowl massage" and water structuring.


This offer is not a public offer.
All accessories, unless otherwise specified in the description of the singing bowl, are purchased separately.
The terms of the promotion are not combined with other loyalty offers and promotions, and the replacement of singing bowls is made at the usual price.




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