Healingbowl® - the mark of superior quality singing bowls
Our mission
Dr. Surikov's methods
Singing bowls
Our partners
Leader and founder
Feedback from our clients

Healingbowl® logo on the singing bowl
Healingbowl® is the international mark of superior quality in singing bowls.
HEALINGBOWL® HEALINGBOWL® is a trademark registered in Nepal and other countries of the world.
Healing Bowl is our company in Nepal. We have an office, manufacturing, wholesale and retail warehouse in Kathmandu. Since 2010, we have been working directly with the best workshops in Nepal. In the center of Kathmandu, a specialist works in our office on a permanent basis (speaks English, Russian, Hindi, Nepali). Production of professional and collectible singing bowls under the brand name Healingbowl®.
Our companies:
HEALING BOWL – Nepal, Kathmandu
JUBILANT PROFILE SDN. BHD - Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
SURYA LLC – Russia, Moscow.
Based on the results of many years of research, Dr. V.P. Surikov has created effective innovative methods of using singing bowls based on the principles of holistic medicine, accessible wellness systems (yoga, Qigong, fitness, Ayurveda, traditional Thai and Chinese medicine), European psychotherapy and physiotherapy.
These methods are used both at a high professional level by specialists of restorative medicine, rehabilitation therapists, teachers of wellness systems (yoga, qigong, massage, SPA sphere), trainers, business coaches, and in the family, people who are not professionals.
To ensure high efficiency and predictable results, Viktor Petrovich developed requirements for professional instruments (singing bowls and sets of singing bowls) of the highest quality and organized their production under the protection of the Healingbowl® trademark. Manufactured in Nepal, the development of tools and quality control are carried out by Healingbowl® specialists under the guidance of Dr. Surikov. Thanks to our efforts, high quality has become available to a large number of people in the world.
The mission of our company is to popularize sound resonance therapy with singing bowls according to
the methods of Dr. Surikov, which contribute to the preservation and restoration of mental and physical
health of a person.
From the very beginning of our activity, we saw the enormous potential of sound and vibration of
singing bowls in the field of human health. We reveal and realize this potential in two directions - the
development and implementation of methods and the production of tools that meet the highest quality
We have opened and are developing a new niche of business opportunities, and as a leader in this area
of business, we set an example of successful development for many people and companies in different cities of the world.
Methods of using Dr. Surikov's singing bowls
World experience proves the beneficial effect of sound and vibration of singing bowls on all body
systems. Doctor Surikov V.P. created methods that are fully substantiated from the point of view of
science, giving predictable, favorable results. In 2013, the technique of using the singing bowls,
authored by Dr. Surikov, was tested at the international level. This event aroused interest in the health
resort sector of the Altai Territory. The federal sanatorium "Russia" (Belokurikha) for 1000 people
invited Dr. Surikov to train specialists in the spa sector and the psychotherapy department using his
methods. From 2013 to the present, the techniques have been successfully applied in this sanatorium
and other institutions.
In 2014, V.P. Surikov, as a specialist of the Department of Biophysical Methods in Medicine of the RUDN
University, trained 11 students using his MKVAM method (microcirculatory vibration-acoustic massage),
as part of the advanced training program for medical workers.
The method was repeatedly presented during such high-profile events as the VIII Moscow All-Russian
Convention of Beauty Salons No. 1 InterSharm in November 2017, and the World Tatars Congress,
Kazan, May 15, 2018 In 2016, Dr. Surikov became a member of the Volga Medical professional
organization of specialists in traditional medicine of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod. Dr. Surikov's reports are
read at annual conferences dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.
In 2015 - 2018 Surikov V.P. taught classes in a large Tibetan monastery-university Pematsal Sakya, and
this is a sign of great trust in our company. Dr. Surikov's techniques have been tested by Tibetan lamas.
Also in 2015, the Nepalese doctor Mani Raj Pokharel studied with Viktor Petrovich.
RENTV and other Russian channels broadcast programs and created entire films about sound - for
example, “Untold Secrets. Secrets of Sound ”(TV Channel Trust) with the participation of V.P. Surikov.
"Eurasia View" - a Japanese magazine dedicated to the coverage of the culture, traditions and business
of Russia and the CIS countries, has posted a long interview with Viktor Petrovich on its pages.
The techniques are available for mastering in the format of a video course. Work is underway to
translate into English. In special cases, individual training is possible, led by Dr. Surikov. In 2019 Surya
LLC received an educational license from the Department of Education, Moscow.
Singing bowls
From 2009 to 2019, Dr. Surikov regularly visited Nepal for business visits. As a result of these trips, the
best manufacturers of singing bowls in Nepal were selected, who were entrusted to produce singing
bowls for our company that meet the established requirements for appearance, alloy composition,
physical parameters of the product (frequency characteristics, duration of sound, vibration of the walls).
We have launched a serial production of professional singing bowls of the brands Black Pearl, Gold
Pearl, Silver Pearl, as well as Mustang, Old Tibet, Kailas - bowls of unique exclusive quality, interesting to
collectors and connoisseurs of art , produced piece by piece.
The use of singing bowls in our system is based on the laws of medical and biological physics, a
psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic approach, in which there is no place for false anti-scientific
directions. In our publicly available popular assortment of singing bowls, such as "Etching Carving",
"Etching", "Full Moon", "Plain antiue", we exclude items of low quality that can negatively affect human
health. The production of our singing bowls is strictly controlled. All instruments are tested, and if a
defect is found, they are returned for disposal.

Professional singing bowls Healingbowl®

Collectible singing bowls Healingbowl®

Singing Bowl Sets
We compose sets of singing bowls according to the method developed by Dr. Surikov, in compliance
with a system that strictly takes into account the combination of bowls in terms of size, frequency
characteristics, tones, overtones, wall thickness, weight and many other features.
Our sets, professionally selected in all parameters, including aesthetic, are purchased by people of
different professions, used at home for rest, relaxation, harmonization of space, interior decoration and
strengthening the immunity of family members. Professionally selected sets of singing bowls open up a
wide range of user options: for therapy, massage, vibration-acoustic sessions, concerts and meditations.
Healingbowl® kits are most effective in use. We recommend that you study our techniques for applying
sound and vibration to singing bowls. As a gift to customers, we give video courses containing
instructions for their use. Individual user training is also possible.
Our partners
Embassy of Nepal, Russian-Nepal Friendship Society, RUDN University, Alfa-Bank, sanatoriums "Russia"
and "Altai Castle" (Belokurikha), SHA Welness Clinic (Spain), Praxis Stoll Clinic (Germany), Tibet Clinic
( St. Petersburg, Moscow), Enhel Wellness Spa Dome (Moscow), yoga studio "Material" (Moscow),
Himalaya Studio (Kaliningrad), Royal Dutch Shell, Pematsal Sakya - monastery-university ( Nepal,
Our authority is also recognized at the level of government circles in different countries, our clients are
media persons, business owners, famous politicians and athletes. We provide such clients with
comfortable conditions and confidentiality.
Our company is the flagship of the singing bowl industry. The terminology introduced by V.P. Surikov is
used by almost all practitioners in this area, the training course programs (authored by V.P. Surikov) are
copied, and information from our resources is broadcast by different sources in different variations.
Some unscrupulous companies copy the appearance of our bowls, passing them off as the original. But
original Healingbowl ® bowls can be purchased only on our resources and from our authorized

Meeting of Dr. Surikov with the Ambassador of Nepal

Dr. Surikov V.P. in Pematsal Sakya, a Tibetan monastery in Nepal, Pokhara

The methods of Dr. V.P. Surikov

Owner of the HEALINGBOWL® trademark, general director of Surya LLC, Russia; the owner of "HEALINGBOWL", Srna Gora (Montenegro) - Doctor Surikov Victor Petrovich.
Anesthesiologist-resuscitator with extensive experience. From the ancient family of the Amur Cossacks.
Among his ancestors were officers, honored doctors of Russia, poets and artists.
In 1994 he graduated from BGMI. Further, for 12 years he studied Oriental medicine in the countries of
Southeast Asia.
In 2013, Viktor Petrovich received a complete, public understanding of traditional techniques with
singing bowls in Nepal. As a doctor, he did not receive answers to the professional questions that arose,
and began his own research on this issue. For several years he studied the works of Western scientists
and received consultations from Russian physicists, biologists, musicians, doctors of medical sciences
and academicians. The result of these studies, as well as our own experience in the practice of Western
and Eastern medicine, are the author's methods presented in the programs of courses 1 - 4, as a
harmonious union of Russian medicine with traditional folk medicine of the Himalayan countries and
Southeast Asia. Thus, Dr. Surikov systematized and formed a new effective author's approach to the use
of singing bowls for health purposes.
In Moscow, in 2013, Viktor Petrovich was invited to head the Institute for the Restoration of Human
Health, but the conditions that were offered at the same time were not acceptable for development.
Therefore, in the same year in Moscow, the activities of the “International School of Sound Resonance
Therapy” were organized, with an online store, which served as an example for many followers in
In 2014 V.P. Surikov completed advanced training under the program of additional professional
education "Laser and Quantum Medicine" at the RUDN University. On the basis of this knowledge, he
formed a fundamentally new unique method of using singing bowls for various diseases
At the moment, she is actively teaching and educational activities according to her methods. From 2011
to the present, he has been working on improving the quality of the production of singing bowls.